Entered on 09 April 2002 at 8:23 a.m..

The phone saga, revenge of KeyComm

So, most of you thought you heard the last of the phone saga months ago. Nope you can never truely beat the British down. About two months ago, we were informed that since all the other telephone providers to university students had died a miserable death, similar to Enron, Keycomm, our highly incompetitent phone company was now one of two sole survivors. They proceded to buy up the other failing companies. This meant good and bad news for the students on Cranfield.

Good news: Cheaper rates. My rate to the US virutually dropped in half!

Bad news: New phone numbers, national number. This is like saying that inorder to save money all of GT's campus numbers will now have Kentucky area codes, only even if your parents are calling from Kentucky, you still get charged for an out of state call. Obviously this is not so good for the people in Atlanta who want to phone you. And people calling from any other state, aren't affected.

Well that was the theory. The theory that people calling me from the US wouldn't seen any difference. Then Brian discovered a lovely little quirk: MCI won't allow him to call my new number (870 4?? 6142 x8792). Some thing to do with the fact that 8704 previxes aren't supposed to be for international calls, and that MCI has been having trouble collecting on the bills to those numbers. Anyway it is a big mess. Brian and I are learning more and more each day about how international phone calls work, who pays for what, etc. All very amusing.

If anybody else has MCI,Sprint, or any carrier besides AT&T could you please try to call me and see if you can get through. I'm trying to figure out if this is just an MCI issue.

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