Entered on 04 December 2002 at 7:36 a.m..

Counting down

I'm ready for Christmas to be here. Yep just like all the other 5 year-olds, I'm counting the days till Christmas, or at least until the 19th when I fly home. Yeah home. It is hard to believe that I haven't been back for over a year.

Not much else to say. Looks like Airbus is going to be putting on some sort of career fair today in the hangar. We've got about 7 of those expando-back drops that they use at career fairs and I saw abunch of merchandise being off loaded yesterday. Maybe we'll all end up with some free goodies. I could use a new high-lighter...

Thanksgiving Pictures

Karen, Charlie, & the Turkey

The Small Starter Group

Carving the Bird

What was left

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