Entered on 29 July 2003 at 9:29 a.m..

Could it be, does it finally work?

Where oh, where has the summer time gone, where oh, where can it be? Yes it has been gray and cloudy, humid and cold for the past week. Sigh. I wonder if that is it for the summer? I'm hopeful that August and September will be nicer, as they are my favorite months in the UK.

In other news, I found a bug in my code yesterday, and since I fixed it, things have been running. Yeah! So now if I can just get this last data set out, I will be so excited. Additional prayers and good thoughts are welcome. But because I am timing some of my software it leaves me stuck. This is where Kermit (my laptop) comes in. Thank goodness for him. He allows me to keep working even when I'm running casees.

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