Entered on 05 April 2002 at 12:53 p.m..


Today, has not been a good day. It all started early this morning when I decided to stay home and look up some stuff on the internet. After 5 minutes, the server crashed for over an hour. Then when I came into work, I received notice of my 9 month review (not really all that bad, but not something that one likes to be reminded about). Next I went in to see our departmental secretary to check on my computer (she told me that she was going to check on it yesterday). She told me that it hasn't even been ordered yet. Now I don't remember when it was exactly that the order went out of her hands, but I think it was no later than the 21st of March. The order (as priced) was only good until the end of March. So I tried to go online to see how much had changed, and dell's uk site is down. Plus my supervisor didn't come in today, dispite telling me that he was going to be in all week. I'm up to my eyeballs trying to convert a C header file to a Modula header file. I hate good C programmers. None of their code is transparent.

OK, off to do something else!

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