Entered on 27 August 2002 at 8:26 a.m..

Here it comes again

Another cold, bleak day. They swear it will hit 70 sometime today, but I think they are living in a dream world. This is getting really depressing. Right now I have a blanket, quilt, and fleece on my bed at night. Which works quite well, until I need to get out of bed. Not to mention, that due to complete sun cloud-out for the past two days it has been dark in the morning as well. I think that I need to put my lamp on a timer, so that I might get the illusion of sunshine.

Yesterday my office was about 65 degrees, which if I were a super computer, I'm sure I would enjoy. I've already broken out my portable heater. I must say it is doing a remarkable job of keeping my feet and legs warm.

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