Entered on 07 November 2002 at 8:27 a.m..

Phones & Bread

Good news, the phones seem to be working again. And even better, I have a direct dial number!!!! I guess these guys were doing things for the past 6 months after all. My new number is: 011 44 870 423 7920. So far I've been successfully called from the U.S. and Germany :) We'll see how well the new system copes when more people figure out that it is working...

Just so you don't worry about me, I've pretty much decided to follow my supervisor up to Sheffield University. It is a normal university, about the size of Tech, with a nice student center and brand-new gym. Should be good to attend a more-normal place. I'm actually getting really excited about it, but there is a lot to do between now & when I move. I've got a lot to hold out for, so that I don't get messed about in the process. So I'll pass along more details when I get them.

I am also out of bread again. This is one of my constant battles, so far in Karen v. Breadmold, I'm just barely holding my own. Last night I lost another battle, and am without bread again. Sigh.

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